About Us
Wasambo Education Foundation (WEF) is a Malawian-owned, Malawian-registered Trust with a functioning Board of Trustees. WEF programming supports the foundation’s objectives to increase access, quality, and relevance for education in Malawi.
The Wasambo Education Foundation Board of Trustees has two levels of leadership. The Trust/Foundation in concept and practice is owned by the Traditional Authority and the most prominent chiefs, as the permanent custodians of development and culture. The Board also continues to have the expressed connection to local government, and as such, the elected councilors from T/A Wasambo, who are mandated to be the drivers of development in the area, are always represented. From these perpetual positions, the Board of WEF has the convening authority to invite specialists they see fit (educationalists, social workers, development practitioners, lawyers, etc) that serve the Board for a given term. These invited specialists and Board Members are not permanent to the WEF, but rotate in and out over the years, providing much needed technical expertise, oversight, and advice and direction.